Online language training and coaching

Turning digital learning strategies into genuine company success
Due to the ongoing shortage of skilled labour, we are seeing an increased demand from our customers for training in German as a foreign language. In addition to German and English, languages such as Croatian, Spanish, Polish and Portuguese are also increasingly in demand. With our online language training courses, we support companies competently and quickly in the integration of foreign skilled workers as well as in the further training of permanent staff in foreign languages.

Performer+ Online Language Training

  • Live training with a qualified trainer or coach

  • Optimal success through active language use

  • Spontaneous communication in different contexts and situations

  • Location-independent training at any time convenient to you

  • Client-friendly contract flexibility

You can arrange a trial training now and learn more from the following short presentation 
  • Performer+

    Our top class online language training promotes effective internal and external corporate communication
  • Our Online Training Offers You

    • highly effective language training in more than 20 languages
    • a worldwide network of qualified, native-speaker trainers
    • location-independent, online training in the office, at home or on the go
    • local and transnational training programmes
    • complete training overview and budget monitoring supported by our digital accounting and reporting system
  • Live Training with Your Own Personal Trainer

    • maximisation of language competence through interactive language use
    • goal-driven, efficient training sessions based on detailed needs analysis
    • powerful learning success thanks to personalised content development based on your authentic work-related matters
    • storage and retrieval function of training content in your personal file and training continuitiy with the same trainer
  • Beyond all Borders

    Organize your training at your own or at another venue of your choice, in your own country or worldwide. We interconnect your workforce and optimize your training content to best promote reliable internal corporate communication.

    Monitor the planning and implementation of your training with our user-friendly digital HR Reporting System.

    Choose from a selection of training tools best suited to your real time and location requirements. In addition to the verytalk training platform (vtOTS) you can choose from all the modern conference software – we support all available Video-Chat-Solutions of our customers, such as MS Teams, Webex, Zoom, Skype for Business, Jitsi etc.

  • Digital HR Reporting

    Our digitalized HR reporting feature enables you to plan and implement your training. Via direct online entry to our cloud-based real time data you will access:

    • a dashboard displaying all essential key figures and statistics of the running trainings – location independent
    • comprehensive session reports, accounting data, participant lists including participant level & progress
    • current attendance lists, relevant training statistics – and more
  • Efficient HR Processes and High Flexibility

    With our HR reporting feature, you can improve efficiency in HR processes, simplify work procedures and reduce operational and time bottlenecks.

    Our flexible contract model enables you a simple management of individual training arrangements. You can integrate new participants in the current training, activate additional foreign languages or pause any of your trainings as needed, from anywhere, at any time.

    Without the burden of an obligatory minimal number of hours or trainings you have complete control of your budgeting.

  • Have we piqued your interest?

    Then simply contact us for a complimentary consultation appointment. In a highly informative online presentation, you will discover all our digital language and coaching solutions that will fulfill your needs.
    • "The concept of flexible scheduling and customised training content, with focus on communicating in English with a native speaker, allows for optimal English training in combination with professional activities."

      Stefanie Lode, HR Business Partner, Hertz Car Rental

      "We have been working very successfully with verytalk for several years and very much appreciate their online English programme in addition to classic language training. I am particularly impressed by the flexibility, including in terms of time and location."

      Cathrin Vischer, Senior VP Human Resources, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group

    • "verytalk offers a high degree of flexibility in the scheduling and the customisation of learning content to each individual trainee. This is not just an empty promise, but it is implemented in practice, which makes it possible for our employees to continue developing their language skills efficiently within the organisation of our sales force. We are extremely impressed by the high quality of teaching and the constant development of modern learning methods. From our trainees: Highly recommended!"

      Christine Biller, Learning & Development, Müller Martini Group

      "For us, verytalk is a strong partner, who is competently and efficiently supporting our expansion in Europe. The language requirements of our sales teams can be very high and require fast and targeted training. The training concept and the overall approach of verytalk already convinced us in the test phase.

      Dirk Owerfeldt, CEO, Gastrofix GmbH

      Our comprehensive coaching offerings include, among other skills, the following:
      • Intercultural training – transnational or country/culture specific

      • Expat programmes

      • Managing virtual teams

      • Sales and Storytelling

      • Business Coaching for women

      Discover more in the following short presentation or contact us direct for so that we can discuss your needs in detail together. 


      • Coaching

        Generate new ideas and bring alternative perspectives and opportunities to light.
      • Added value through sustainability

        Our coaching contributes to the sustainable and successful performance of your company.

        We take a target and solution-oriented approach , to support you in achieving the change you are striving towards. We develop your workforce’s self-confidence, boost their motivation and give them that needed sense of assurance and competence.

        We support your employees in their careers and further development, as well as in challenging occupational and personal situations. Our own developed solutions enable our participants to recognise and make use of their own strengths.

      • The three pillars of our coaching (1/2)

        Team Coaching
        The current trend of decentralising internal company structures is giving rise to challenges in defining clear forms and targets for work and project teams, and in securing their function as integrated and efficient units. Our team coaching approach supports you in defining, organising and managing with structure your existing teams as well as those still to be defined.

        Executive Coaching
        The success of a company rises and falls according to the strength of its internal leadership. In interactive and client-centred coaching, we support your management in mastering the challenges of leading their staff while not losing sight of their own personal growth.

      • The three pillars of our coaching (2/2)

        Positioning and Career Coaching
        Positioning and career coaching gives your employees the opportunity to set the right course for their future career. The questions on personality, current life situation and professional desires and goals, which many employees need to address in their occupational orientation, form an essential core of our positioning and career coaching.

      • Our coaching at a glance

        Our coaching includes the following topics, among others:

        Our digital HR reporting allows for straightforward and cost-efficient planning and control of your training programme. Direct online access to our cloud-based, real-time data gives you:

        • Managing Virtual Teams
        • Storytelling + Success Stories for Sales and Marketing
        • Business Coaching for Women
        • Intercultural Training
        • Successful Leadership
        • more ...
      • Managing Virtual Teams

        Prior to the new situation eof lockdowns, virtual meetings were not held as frequently and our experience with this type of internal organisation and communication was not always positive. Important decisions would often be made without any binding nature, responsibilities not properly defined and partially completed project components not seen through to the end.

        The training with verytalk helped our team leaders to define clear team structures and responsibilities for our virtual project teams and make the specific roles of the team colleagues transparent for everyone. The structures were visualised and made visible to everyone. Our team’s productivity has increased considerably and interaction within the groups can be felt clearly.

        Sigrid E., Senior Project Manager, Automotive

      • Intercultural Training (1/2)

        In our new joint venture with our US partner, we often noticed an “off atmosphere” due to misaligned styles of communication and behaviour.

        Our staff’s high workload meant there was little interest initially in any workshop for intercultural competence USA. In addition, the colleagues were expecting a mere list of Dos + Don’ts. However, for most of the participants, the workshop turned out to be completely different than expected! The multifaceted content was conveyed effectively through challenging, interactive exercises. Through role play and a series of simulations, our staff were well-prepared for their upcoming meetings and situations.

      • Intercultural Training (2/2)

        Work with our American colleagues has since become slicker, in both video conferencing sessions as well as during exchange in-person. Many colleagues also feel that the collaboration as more efficient.

        We are currently planning another online workshop for our American colleagues who are being deployed to Germany in 2021/2022 .

        Marc R., Sales International Markets, Environmental Technology

      • Are you interested in our short presentation on Performer+ and Coaching?

        Then contact us now to arrange your free consultation. Our in-depth and informative online presentation will give you all the details of our digital language training and coaching solutions.
        Are you interested in our short presentation on Performer+ and Coaching? Then contact us now to arrange your free consultation. Our in-depth and informative online presentation will give you all the details of our digital language training and coaching solutions.
        Your Company | Digitalisation | Now
        Contact us:
        Tel. 0711 / 217 29 3060

        We are sure our training will inspire you.

        In addition to English, we offer a variety of other languages such as French, Spanish, Chinese, Swedish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, German as a foreign language and much more.